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Monday October 1, 2007 (09:53am)


It's not even 10am and already I'm having a shitty day. I made a bonehead move this morning so stupid I'm actually considering ripping my brain out of my skull and donating it to someone who will actually take the time to learn how to fucking use it. Today I made mom take time off of work to drive me to a doctors appointment at 9:10am only to find that the appointment is for NEXT Monday instead. I'm so fucking pissed off at myself right now I don't even know what the hell to do. I'd punch myself in the head if I thought it would help, but that would probably just make me that much more stupid. I'm such a loser... I make fun of people all the time for doing less stupider things than this, so I'm not gonna cut myself any slack. Maybe then I'll actually learn something about not being such a goddamn stupid idiot.

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