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Thursday October 4, 2007 (02:50pm)

Bad night
(while watching Arrested Development on my PC)

-Last night was a bad night. Before I went to bed my right shoulder was starting to bother me again and when I finally laid down for the night I had a hard time getting comfortable. I woke up many times throughout the night and laid in bed aching for what seemed like hours. I tried every position I could but nothing really worked. I finally propped my arm up above my head on a pillow and that seemed to work ok. But when I woke up this morning it was still hurting. And now my whole right arm feels weird. If you ask me, the pain feels muscular or nerve related, but I don't know for sure. My right hand does feel a little puffy, and kinda like my left foot did when it was puffed up because of a blood clot. When I raise my right arm up in the air, it does kinda seem like I can feel the blood rushing out, giving my arm some relief, so maybe it is a blood clot. All I know is that if it still hurts like this tomorrow, when I go to the LTFU clinic at the SCCA, I'll let them know about it and see what they say.
 -The Bengals got their butts kicked by the Patriots on MNF. It was lame. Now they're 1-3. It's not looking good for the playoffs this year.
 -Today I'm going to an eye doctor to finally get my eyes checked. I'm glad that's it's gonna be taken care of but I'm worried about what they'll tell me.
 -There's another hour long The Office on tonight. The season opener was pretty good. I'm pretty sure the show is one or two awesome episodes from officially being crowned my all time favorite show over Friends. I'm sure you guys are all on the edge of your seats waiting for that moment to happen, so you'll be the first to know when the big day comes.
 October 4th, 1824: Mexico becomes a Republic
 October 4th, 1933: Esquire magazine is first published
 October 4th, 1957: Leave It to Beaver debuts on CBS
 October 4th, 1987: Due to a strike, the NFL plays it's first "Scrub Sunday" with replacement players
 October 4th, 1992: Miami Dolphin Louis Oliver returns record tying interception 103 yards
 October 4th, 1997: Kyle Rich's favorite song was Silent All These Years by Tori Amos

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