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Tuesday June 3, 2008 (01:23pm)

4 Years, 0 Months, 2 Days in the life of...
(while listening to The Who)

Hello everyone. I'm sure most everyone is pissed off at me because of my last blog entry, and quite frankly I don't blame you. It was harsh. Too harsh. I was being an asshole and I knew it. Sorry Losties, didn't mean to make you feel bad. It's just a TV show, no more or less stupid than all the stupid crap I watch.
 -Most people probably forgot about the day June 1st, but it's an important day for me. June 1st is the four year anniversary of when I had my bone marrow transplant. I've been thinking about the last four years a lot lately, and one thing that came to mine is how little I've written about the experience creatively. I mean, I blogged about stuff, but not many poems and songs and stuff like that. So, I sat down and started working on a poem/song thing, and this is what I came up with. It's not really complete and doesn't have a good title yet, but for now I call it "Maybe".
 Maybe it was a dream.
 Maybe it was the way it seemed.
 Maybe there's not a reason.
 Maybe the change will help me see one.
 It started with my decline.
 It started the day I saw the sign.
 It started to draw a line.
 It started to take from what was mine.
 Holding me like a slave.
 Leaving me with no fear to save.
 Pushing me towards the grave.
 Guiding me with the smallest waves.
 Maybe there's not a reason.
 Maybe the change will help me see one.
 Maybe it's still alive.
 Maybe this time it's justified.
 It started without a rhyme.
 It started and then began to thrive.
 It started the day I cried.
 It started the day I still survived.
 Holding me with a grin.
 Reminding me of my greatest sins.
 Showing me where I've been.
 Whispering how I won't again.
 Maybe there's not a reason.
 Maybe the change will help me see one.
 Maybe this is goodbye.
 Maybe there's time to justify.
 It started the day it spawned.
 It started the day the test's were drawn.
 It started and it was gone.
 It started again and lingered on.
 Holding me down with spite.
 Hoping I'm too afraid to fight.
 Knowing that I just might.
 Believing I cannot see the light.
 Maybe it was a dream.
 Maybe it was the way it seemed.
 Maybe there's not a reason.
 Maybe the change will help me see one.
 It started and I was blind.
 It started with me among the swine.
 It started and then it shined.
 It started and opened up my mind.
 Holding me was a guise.
 Halting my will were only lies.
 Knowing I have to try.
 Knowing I'm too afraid to die.
 Maybe it was a dream.
 Maybe it was the way it seemed.
 Maybe there's not a reason.
 Maybe the change will help me see one.

 -Also, since it's been four years since my transplant, that also means that my blog is four years old, since I created it specifically for when I had the transplant. Happy Birthday kyle's stupid blog!
 -I am planning a MAJOR website overhaul. The new site will be a much simpler site that focuses on certain website features (blog, message board, the adventures of timmy, games) and removes a lot of features that are rarely used or were only meant to be used by me. Those features will be moved to a new site that I'll create that will only be accessible by me.
 -As you may have noticed, you can no longer post comments on my blog. The reason why is because the comments section of my blog is being spammed in mass quantities and the only way I could stop it was to disable the feature. It's been happening for years, but only recently has it become a big issue. It use to happen maybe ten times a month, but now it's about 80 times a week. So, I have disabled the feature until I can figure out how to stop the spam. This may require me to use some sort of random validating system, such as one of those "look at the picture and write the numbers in this box" kinda thing. I'll be working on it as I go, but the initial release of my new website will most likely not include a blog commenting system at all. Sorry.
 Later everyone,

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