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Thursday June 19, 2008 (02:36pm)

“Sim Sala Bim Bamba Sala Do Saladim!”
(while listening to Pushit by Tool)

-I finished my first block of classes at University of Phoenix and I got an A in both classes. I have a week off before my next block (June 23rd) so I'm being extra lazy this week.
 -Last night Karly made weiner-wraps for dinner using those more expensive flaky biscuits. They were the best weiner-wraps I've ever had.
 -My right hips is starting to hurt more and more. I already know that there's some AVN going on in that hip, but I don't know how bad it has gotten. I have an orthopedic appointment on July 7th and I'll discuss my options with my orthopedic.
 -I have tickets to see Nine Inch Nails on July 27th here in Seattle. Casey was supposed to go with me, but it looks like Karly will be my co-pilot this time. That's cool, cause she's never seen Trent in concert before. It should be very awesome.
 -My sleeping problems are getting worse too, mostly because of my stupid hips. Last night I was up until about 6am trying to get comfortable. When I try to sleep on my back, my left leg painfully falls asleep. I prefer to sleep on my right side, which is fine for the left hip, but then it makes my right hip and shoulder hurt. I think that the solution is to get a better, more confortable, and ADJUSTABLE bed. I'm worried that may not even fix my sleep issues, but I think it's worth a shot. At the very least, I'd still have a kick-ass new bed.
 -Still playing Final Fantasy XI online. Can't get enough of it, in fact. It allows me to do things I can't do in real life, like:
 >>Hang out with Casey & Jay
 >>Become a level 30 Paladin
 >>Make friends with a Dragon
 >>Throw stuff at Zombies
 >>Beat up sea monsters
 Well, that's it for me. Later everyone,
 P.S. I also need new shoes. My current pair are stupid. I hate stupid shoes. Especially when they're mine.

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