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Saturday August 16, 2008 (03:31pm)

“And all those things that seemed so important... Well mister, they vanished right into the air.”

Recently, school has been more than enough to stress me out. But as much as I'd like to focus on nothing but the frustrations of school, there always seems to be something else to distract me. No, I'm not talking about video games and TV shows. I'm talking about stuff more important than that.
 First, there's my upcoming hip surgery. Yeah, it sucks and it's scary, but this is actually the least of my big worries. I can live with the pain and uncomfortableness for now and I have full faith that the surgery will go smooth and the recovery will be normal.
 Next, there's Jillian's upcoming bone marrow transplant. Just thinking about what happened during and immediately after my transplant makes me wanna curl up in a ball and cry. Not that Jill needs to hear this, but it's true. Once again, I have faith that her transplant will be successful and she will be ok. But, it's still a lot for someone to go through and it's definately something worthy or my worry.
 Then, I found out yesterday that Dr. Rodney Beals, the man who preformed my total hip replacement in 2006, recently died of leukemia. He was a nice man who did a good job of taking care of my hip. And that's how I will always remember him.
 The last thing on my "woe is me" list is the newest and biggest of my worries. I found out yesterday that my friend Jay was brought to OHSU because he suffered what his mother called a "major" stroke. The cause of the stroke is unknown. From what she told me, the right side of his body is paralyzed and he is not coherent. When asked, he could not even identify who his own mother was. This is horrible news and an absolute shock to me, as he is only 30 years old and there are no obvious reasons for why he would get a stroke. I am still waiting to here back from his mother and I'm just hoping to hear some better news. I've known Jay for about 9 years, and while we don't hang out that much he has been an important part of my social life in the past 4 months as I play my online Final Fantasy game with him on an almost daily basis. All of my thoughts are with him now. Hang in there, Jay. Hang in there.

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