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Friday August 10, 2007 (11:43am)

“It's been a bad day. Please don't take a picture!
It's been a bad day... Please!”

(while listening to Bad Day by R.E.M.)

-I've been feeling more pains and aches in my left hip (the one that was replaced) and it's made me less interested in putting my full weight on that leg. It's hard to tell whether or not these pains are normal or not. It's kinda normal for me to feel bone pain all throughout my body, but when I feel pain in the left hip area it scares me more than other areas. I still haven't had an orthopedic follow-up since moving here, so I think I need to do that and see what the doctors say.
 -The Bengals played their first preseason game yesterday. They lost by one point in heartbreaking fashion, but it's only preseason so it wasn't that big of a deal. I was able to listen to the radio broadcast of the game online, which is cool. This marks the 6th season that I've listened to Bengals games online. The NFL has tried to control all online radio broadcasts of NFL games by charging a seasonal fee to listen to them ($30), but for the past 4 seasons I've been able to "cir-sum-vent" the NFL efforts and listen to Bengals games for free. I'm always worried that this season will be the seaosn the NFL catches on and I won't be able to listen to Bengals games online without paying, but I was still able to find a local Cincinnati affiliate that airs the game online. I just hope that I can continue to listen to games as the season goes on.
 -Since I'm not doing so well in the financial department right now, I called OHSU and lowered the monthly payment on one of my bills. I had been paying $150 a month, but I talked them down to $75 a month. That $75 will come in real handy.
 -I went to the Protime Clinic (that's what they call the clinic that checks my blood thinner levels) on Wednesday and my coumadin is still too high. This means my blood is too thin. This also means that I'm at higher risk for bleeding, which in turn means that I need to lower my coumadin levels and come back again next week. I asked the nurse if there will ever be a time when I won't need to come every week. She told me that as soon as my coumadin levels start to stabalize, I can start coming less often. The goal is to only have to come once a month.
 -I had the pleasure of seeing Barry Bonds hit his 756th home run on live TV. I was flipping through the channels the other night (Karly's birthday) when I came across a Giants game. I noticed Bonds was batting next, so I figured I would start recording, just in case he hit a homer. And then he did. So now I have a video clip of Bonds hitting the record setting homer. It was pretty cool.
 -There's been a lot of plans for me coming down to Portland this month, but it looks like it's actually going to happen next weekend. I'll get to see Luke's CD release party and Braidon's birthday party, which will also be a family gathering of sorts. It'll be awesome. I can't wait.

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