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Saturday December 22, 2007 (10:46am)

I hate
(while listening to Orestes by A Perfect Circle)

Yesterday I was surfin' the 'net and stumbled across a site that's right up my alley: HateBook.com. It's place where people can go to rant and rave about all the things they hate. Although that's pretty much already what my stupid blog is about, I was still inspired enough to make a somewhat comprehensive list of all the things that I hate. Enjoy!

 I hate spiders.
 I hate sea monsters.
 I hate cranberry sauce in my turkey sandwiches.
 I hate when people don't understand what I mean when I say "Who Dey!"
 I hate it when my jaw hurts from chewing too much gum.
 I hate automatic updates that make my computer reboot.
 I hate commercials that use kids being "cute".
 I hate car commercials.
 I hate watching car commercials while drinking beer.
 I hate listening to beer commercials while riding in a car.
 I hate how Dick Sargent gets a bad rap simply because he was the second Darrin on "Bewitched".
 I hate that "Arrested Development" was cancelled so early.
 I hate having a replaced hip.
 I hate the Tom Brady "tuck" rule.
 I hate it when I can't find my wallet.
 I hate it when people say the "V" in "DVD" stands for "video".
 I hate people who use the phrase "NIC card" when referring to a computers network adapter.
 I hate it when people tell me what celebrity I most look like.
 I hate it when people tell me I look like my dad like it's new information.
 I hate it when people lie about how old they are.
 I hate it when people lie about how old they aren't.
 I hate it when NFL coaches try to "ice the kicker".
 I hate that smell our sink has.
 I hate thinking that the "Madden Video Game Curse" might actually be real.
 I hate moldy bread.
 I hate it when I forget to DVR my favorite show.
 I hate it when I remember to DVR my favorite show but my sister deletes it.
 I hate people who think "Hi guy!" is an acceptable greeting.
 I hate in when people act like they never liked Nirvana back in the day.
 I hate the ABC network.
 I hate US Presidents with the last name of Bush.
 I hate carjackers.
 I hate the San Francisco 49ers.
 I hate it when people think steroids and human growth hormones in sports is an important topic.
 I hate Miracle Whip.
 I hate websites that play music automatically.
 I hate how they've stopped making "Shining Force" games after #3.
 I hate that I needed to have cataract surgery on my eyes.
 I hate how attrative people think Ben Affleck is.
 I hate how expensive stadium food is.
 I hate waking up to the sound of other people having fun without me.
 I hate the Los Angeles Lakers.
 I hate when technical support is neither technical nor supportive.
 I hate how more people know who Hannah Montana is than Maynard James Keenan.
 I hate how Toby Keith is richer and more happy than I'll ever be.
 I hate Salt 'n' Peppa.
 I hate opening my wallet and seeing no money.
 I hate forgetting where I put something.
 I hate hearing about people who collect Nazi memorabilia.
 I hate thinking about how good of an actor Tom Cruise is.
 I hate it when someone goes to the store and doesn't invite me.
 I hate that they made a sequel to "Rocky Horror Picture Show".
 I hate that Robert Jordan died before finishing "The Wheel Of Time" book series.
 I hate thinking there's something wrong with me because I'm the only one I know who doesn't think Dane Cook is funny.
 I hate Marilyn Manson.
 I hate how expensive yet virtually worthless football cards are nowadays.
 I hate thinking about when I thought "Friends" was a stupid show.
 I hate running out of paper towels.
 I hate people who play their music too loud.
 I hate how much hate I have inside of me.
 I hate it when other people try to pretend they don't have any hate inside themselves.
 I hate not having coffee the first thing in the morning.
 I hate the Denver Broncos.
 I hate MySpace.



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