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Friday December 28, 2007 (11:05am)

Down With The Sickness
(while listening to My Own Prison by Creed)

I've been sick for about 4 or so days now. Sore throat, stuffed up nose, cough, headaches, fatigue, lightheadedness, nausea, and fevers. The worst was Christmas night when my fever got up to 102. It's been down since then (thanks in part to Tylenol) but still around 99. I've only thrown up a little, but that's only because I have stuff that helps with nausea.
 For Christmas mom bought me Friends Season 10 on DVD, which means I now own the entire series. Also, even though I was sick, I watch the Blazers win on Christmas, which was neat. I also watched From Duck til Dawn and Forrest Gump with mom on Christmas.
 I've also been playing a lot of Final Fantasy X on the PS2. The last time I played FFX I was sick in the hospital from when I first got leukemia. Being that I'm sick right now, it's totally taking me back in more ways than one.
 That's it for now. Later,

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