...{ kyle's stupid blog }...
Tuesday January 15, 2008 (12:34pm) Crap-a-lula (while watching NewsRadio on my PC) Last Thursday I first noticed a pain in my left forearm. I don't remember injuring it in any way, so I didn't think much of it. Back then it was only annoying, but by Saturday it was still hurting and bruises were starting to develop around the underside of my wrist. I called my doc but had to wait until Monday to see him. When I did see him he sent me to an orthopedic. The orthopedic took x-rays and said everything looks fine, so at least it doesn't appear to be cancer or AVN related, which was my big worry. He said what I most likely have going on is blood pooling in my wrist, which I think is called a hematoma. He also refered to it as "acute carpal tunnel", but I don't think it means that I have carpal tunnel syndrome. I'm not 100% convinced of the diagnosis, as I have pain that comes more from the middle of my forearm than the wrist and it sometimes shoots all the way down to my elbow. He said I should take it easy and it should get better in 7 to 10 days. He said that it was most likely caused by over-repetetive tasks, which, for me, means it was most likely caused by playing video games and using my computer. So, I'm suppose to take it easy, and by taking it easy he said not to do or overdo things like playing video games, using my Palm, or using my computer, which really, really sucks. At least I'm pretty good at using my PC and a PS2 controller with one hand. And it's also a good thing that it's the NFL playoffs, cause I'll be watching more TV. I'll keep you all as posted as possible on how the arm feels. Later, Kyle