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Tuesday February 5, 2008 (10:41am)

“Searching for silences in the back of my mind”
(while listening to Think Away by King Black Acid)

-Tomorrow I go in for my other eye surgery. I'm not as scared as last time, but I'm still pretty nervous. Once they do the other eye I'll be totally dependant on multiple pairs of glasses. I hope I'm ready for the transition.
 -I just found out a few days ago that my friends Casey and Cassy will most likely be moving to Alaska next month. It's not definate, but it sounds like he's about 90% sure he's gonna take the transfer to Anchorage. He's flying up there this weekend to hammer out the final details and make sure he wants to do it. I'm sure he will because he's been wanting to move to Alaska for awhile now. He wants to be a pilot and he can more easily get a job flying in Alaska than Oregon. I understand why he's doing it and I want to be supportive, but I'm bummed out about them moving. It was bad enough being mostly sick these past 5 years, and even more so when I moved to Renton, but it's gonna totally suck if they move all the way to Alaska. I hear it's a 4 hours flying or 4 days driving one way, so I'll almost never get to see them. But that's the way life goes, I guess. People come and people go.
 -The wrist is feeling better. It still hurts some times, but at least there's no bruising. And my right shoulders been bugging me again but not as bad as before. Actually, the thing that hurts the most still is the vaccination booster shots I got on Friday. The one in my right thigh and right buttocks are still sore. I hope it doesn't mean anything bad.
 -Well, the Super Bowl is over, which means that the football season is over. For those of you who didn't watch the Super Bowl... Boy, did you miss out on a good one. Definately one of the Top 5 best Super Bowls, if not the best ever. But now we need to wait until the end summer before it will all start again...
 -I was pleased to see the response to my top ten crap list of TV shows, but also a little disappointed that most people mentioned how they actually liked some of the shows. I guess it just prooves how narrow-minded my television tastes truely are, and how intolerant of other peoples tastes I can be. But it all come around in the end. Reggie Bush, running back for the New Orleans Saints and one of my new fav players in the league, is dating Kim Kardashian from Keeping Up With The Kardasians, and Chad Johnson, a receiver for my very own Bengals, did a Super Bowl commerical for The Moment Of Truth. So no matter how I try, I'm never too far removed from the shows that I dis. What comes around, goes around.
 That's it for now. Later,

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