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Wednesday May 14, 2008 (01:26pm)

The “Not-So-Very-Special But-You-Know-More-Special-Than-Ford-Truck-Month Or-That-One-Thing-That-Puts-Beads-In-Your-Hair Um-What-Was-It-Called Oh-Yeah-Bead-Magic That-Thing-Is-So-Lame But-I-Digress” Special Report
(while watching Futurama on my PC)

-Still going to school through University of Phoenix. It's going great. I'm in the 5th week of my first two classes. I really like the flexibility of being able to do my school work whenever I want. I just did some school work earlier today and I'm sure I'll do more later.
 -My birthday was a while back and I got some cool stuff. I got some coins, lots of money (which turned into two video games), Seinfeld Season 1, a high quality dust buster, a jade flower, $30 gift cert for Frye's Electronics, socks, and candy. The present I like the most is the Standing Liberty quarter mom bought for me. You know, the same coin that's been on my Christmas/Birthday lists for a while now. Don't lie, I know you saw it on the list. You just thought to yourself "Oh, that's silly! A stupid coin? He doesn't need a cheap little coin for [insert holiday]!" Well, you were wrong! The Standing Liberty quarter is, like, my favorite coin besides the Walking Liberty Half Dollar, which mom also got for me! Thanks mom!
 -It's officially been one year since I moved to Washington. Yay!
 -I got my drivers permit a while back and I've been doing some driving. Mostly parking lot stuff, but I've been on the road a few times. It feels nice to start driving again with some sort of consistancy.
 -Still been playing a lot of Final Fantasy XI. Casey, Jay, and I have been playing at night for the past week or so. It's nice to be able to keep in touch with those guys, considering that we're all in different states.
 -NBA playoffs are happening but I'm not that interested. Sure, I still watch the games, but I don't have a team to root for. Maybe the Pistons. Or the Hornets. Maybe the Cavs. Aw, who cares... When does next season start?

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