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Thursday March 13, 2008 (12:21pm)

No tolerance for bad movies
(while watching 30 Rock on my PC)

-I went down to Portland this past weekend to hang out with Casey & Cassy one more time before they leave for Alaska. It was a pretty cool visit, with a few exceptions. Cassy was feeling sick, so she didn't really feel like doing much. Also, several people who said they'd hang out bailed on us, so it was pretty much just me and them. But it was still fun, just kinda hanging out and taking it easy. We watched several movies and played a lot of video games. We also went to a barbeque at Casey's parents which was pretty cool. I'm still bummed out that they're leaving, but at least I got to spend some time with them before they left. Also, there is still an outside chance that they will be around in a couple of weeks when Luke plays a show at Roots, so I may get to see them one more time, but it probably won't be for very long as they will be pretty busy finalizing the move.
 -Also, it appears that I picked up whatever it was Cassy was sick with, because now I am sick as well. I have a sore throat and a cough, chills and a fever. I've been taking it easy since I got back home on Tuesday. Hopefully this sickness doesn't last for too much longer.
 -One of the movies I saw when I was down in Portland was "No Country For Old Men". Honestly, I really REALLY didn't like it. I don't think I've ever felt so disgusted after seeing a movie I paid money for. There was nothing worth while that I could take away from the movie, I found the characters unlikeable and unrelatable, and I felt they failed at their attempt to end the movie with a profound message about humanity. The only positive thing I can say about it is that it did keep me on the edge of my seat the entire time, but that was only because I kept waiting for a redeming quality that never came. I cannot believe this movie was as critically acclaimed and won as many awards as it did. So if you haven't seen this movie, then I strongly recommend you don't see it. Instead go watch a movie with a better, happier ending, like "28 Weeks Later" or "12 Monkeys".
 -I can't believe the Bengals let Landon Johnson go. He was their best Linebacker! Dumbasses...
 -I've been totally sucked into one of those online RPG's that all the kids love so much these days. Is it World Of Warcraft? No way. It's Final Fantasy XI. It's a pretty cool game. I can see myself playing it for a long time. Well, as long as Casey keeps playing it...
 -Warrick Dunn is back with the Buccaneers. Awesome.
 -I took my drivers permit test the weekend before I went to Portland and failed. I was pretty disappointed about failing, especially since I talked to several people who went out of their way to make me feel stupid about failing, but whatever. I'm trying not to let it bug me. As soon as I'm feeling better I'll take it again. Hopefully I'll pass next time. If not, then I'll take it again as many times as I need until I pass.
 That's it for now. Later,
 P.S. McKenzie's birthday is on the 15th. He's turning 30. Happy birthday dude.

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