
This game is based on a PC game by Simon Tatham (called "Pattern"), who himself based his game on a different games called "Nonograms". The object of the game is to fill in the entire grid with black or white squares. The game has various grid sizes from 3x3 to 12x12. All puzzles are randomly generated.

Changing Squares:

There are three ways of changing the color of the squares on the grid:

  • Left Mouse Click on a square = turn that square Black
  • Right Mouse Click on a square = turn that square White
  • Middle Mouse Click on a square = turn that square Gray (blank)

    NOTE: If you click and drag using any of the buttons it will mark all boxes you drag over that color.

    Numbers & Runs:

    You will notice numbers to the left of each row and above each column of the grid. These numbers indicate the number of consecutive black squares found on that row or column. If there are more than one number for a row or column it indicates that there are more than one run of black squares on that row or column, one for each number shown. If there are no numbers shown next to a row or column it indicates that there are no black squares in that row or column.The numbers are listed in order of how the runs of black squares appear on the grid, from left-to-right and top-to-bottom.

    Winning The Game:

    In order to win the game you must completely make every square on the grid either black or white AND have every row and column match the correct number, and lengths, of consecutive black squares. NOTE: There may be more than one way to solve the same puzzle.

    Examples of Completed Puzzles: